The over all scene behind a subject.
The clouds are in the background
The scene in front of the subject
The rocky landscape in front of the lighthouse is the foreground
The focus, or main point of a piece of art.
The cactus is the subject of the photo.
Framing is a technique to draw attention to the subject by having other objects create a "box" or "walls".
The photographer is framing the church with the trees
Signal words tell the audience you are changing subjects
Use Them!
The graphic organizer artist use to make media like movies and podcasts
The storyboard has areas for action, dialogue, and details.
A design or writing choice designed to indicate the changing of subbjects or details
In writing we use specific signal words as transitions. All media uses this type of text structure
Star Wars uses a lot of "wipes" as a transition.
Out of panel means action that occurs to characters the audience does not see. An artist needs to help explain out of panel action
Artists use dialogue in comics to explain action that occured out of panel
The conversations between characters or subjects in a story
Characters can have internal, talking to themselves, or external, talking to other, dialogue.
An asset is a short media clip or image used in a project
The cactus is the subject of the photo.
A design or writing choice designed to indicate the changing of subbjects or details
In writing we use specific signal words as transitions. All media uses this type of text structure
Star Wars uses a lot of "wipes" as a transition.
Audio, or sound derives from the Greek word audire, which comes from the ancient Propto Indian European language word of "au" to perceive.
The machine displayed the sound waves of the audio track
The beginning, intro, and the end, outro of media often has a theme song or common announcement
The intro and outro help you grow your audience by "branding" your podcast
To combine parts togther in a whole; to bring disparate people; some usually facing opression, together.
We use graphic oragnizers and notes to integrate ideas with our prior knowledge
To make a solution, like dirty water, more clear; make a statement less confusing
A good podcast can clarify confusing topics for the audience
a appropriate connected or "on topic" a subject is to yoru goal
When you evaluate the relevancy of a website you ask "How useful is this to me?"
To make something important or to stress the point
We use bold fonts to emphasize key words in writing
The most noteable or important point
A good podcast breaks an issue down into a few salient points